The Municipal Clerk’s Office is a very important part of municipal government and is the information center and hub of the town.  Most questions and answers are handled by or through the Clerk’s Office and we are referred to as the link between residents and local government.  The Municipal Clerk is a statutory appointed position that is required in every municipality and requires a New Jersey RMC certification.

The Municipal Clerk’s responsibilities required by New Jersey Statute include the following:

  • Secretary to the Governing Body: Attends all Township Committee meetings and is responsible for the preparation of the agendas and minutes for those meetings.  Maintains originals of minutes, ordinances and resolutions.
  • Secretary to the Municipal Corporation: Custodian of the municipal seal and keeper of the municipality’s records including all minute books, deeds, bonds, contracts and archival records.
  • Chief Administrative Officer of Elections: Responsible for conducting and certifying the Municipal Election and carrying out all statutory requirements for Primary and General Elections.
  • Chief Registrar of Voters: Provides residents with voting forms and general election information and ensures forms are submitted properly to County Election Officials.
  • Administrative Officer: Accepts applications and issues licenses and permits, and conducts business with other municipal departments.
  • Records Coordinator and Manager: Responsible for implementing local archives and records retention program as mandated.
  • Performs other duties currently or in the future mandated by statue, regulation or local ordinance.


Election forms are also available in the Municipal Clerk’s Office.  Residents must be 16 years of age or older to register.

Residents can register under the “No Knock” Ordinance in the Township Clerk’s Office and obtain a window sticker for your residence.


Marriage License Applications and Certified Copies of Vital Records


We accept cash, check or money order, checks made payable to Little Egg Harbor Township.

  • Marriage License Application: $28.00
  • Certified Copies:  $10.00 each

Office hours by appointment only please call 609-296-7241 ext. 230

Little Egg Harbor Township


Township Municipal Clerk
Extension 233

Susan Kramer, CMR
Assistant Municipal Clerk/Registrar
Extension 230

Jillian Williams, CMR
Deputy Registrar/Clerk 1/Notary
Extension 231

Brian Flynn
Clerk II/Alternate Registrar/Notary
Extension 232

Main Number: (609) 296-7241
Fax: (609) 296-5352